i think this is another example of of how the zeitgeist punishes a public figure for specifically violates his brand promises. I have been agog at what the public will accept - racist authotarian is apparently ok with a large portion of people, not mad about being controlled by putin, not mad that trump is a rapist, not mad about racism (in fact 30% think it's a plus) -- but the law of fulfilling your promises with your constituents is an absolute and even trump can't escape that. Also, it means he's weak and he cannot afford to look weak. Either this will take trump down OR he will emerge victorious in a week and declare himself stronger than the virus. And if he recovers fast enough that could happen. and a trump that defeated COVID19 could win this election. That's what makes it an Oct Surprise (though I do really think he caught COVID, i don't think it's a ploy. Trump's best tactical decisions are always made on the fly. He knows how to read the newscyle and I have to admit he's very good at it. I've been doing PR for 25 years and reading the news cycle is a dark art, half science half voodoo).