Lessons Learned Making an MMORPG

Justin Roberti
9 min readOct 22, 2020

An interview with Casey McGeever, Founder & CEO of Heroic Games, makers of Ship of Heroes MMORPG.

Map of Apotheosis City, starting level in Ship of Heroes. All images from Heroic Games/Ship of Heroes.

In 2016 Casey McGeever, an ex-coworker and friend asked me to have lunch with him and his wife Jocelyne. He had a proposal to make — he was developing a game, and he wanted me to join the dev team (as the only non-developing dev on the team) to help promote the game through its creation.



Justin Roberti

Justin has written & made media for 20+ yrs— gaming, media, tech, fintech, & web culture. Producer https://www.growthmanifesto.com/podcast . Twitter: @sensible